Event planner and decoration for special events, weddings, marriages, service providers, bar mitzvah, protocol
cake, video film, show, camera, wedding photography, deluxe table cloth rental,catering service, wedding planner, decoration, organization


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011 506 2441-2411
011 506 8832-3766

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International Wire Transfer
Special events, decoration and organization...

    Because a detail can make a differente... PBX +506 2441-2411 - Show Room - Se habla español    
Table Cloth
Expo Wedding





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Arreglo Jirafa

For payments (reservation date fee, monthly payment or one time charges for table cloth or flower decoration), please use the following bank account:

(ask the bank cashier that all fees must be covered before sending the wire transfer)

Banco Nacional de Costa Rica - Logo

Transfer to:
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica,
San Jose, Costa Rica
Swift code:
B. N. C. R. C. R. S. J.
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica,
San Jose, Costa Rica
# ABA:
LosDecoradores.com S. A.
Beneficiary Account:

US Dollars

Please review our Terms and Conditions (Spanish Version only)
English Version will be available soon.

We also accept the following credit/debit cards:

Credit Cards and Banks accepted - Master Card, VISA, American Express, JCB, Dinners Club; BAC San José, Banco Nacional, Banco Popular

(for credit card payments, no discounts or promotions can be applied unless stated in the special conditions of the sale, in case of applicable, the media must be present during the transaction with a valid non-expired ID with photography embedded)

NOTE:  the amount of money that will be refunded to you under the term «Warranty Deposit» will be executed only on Fridays electronically through Banco de Costa Rica or Banco Nacional.  If you do not have a bank account with any of those 2 entities, you will:  receive the money through the Costa Rican Electronic Payment System (SINPE -> Sistema Interbancario de Pagos Electronicos) by sending your «Cuenta Cliente» (a 17 digits number that your Costa Rican bank will provide you, it is your Costa Rican national equivalent for your account) as well as the exact NAME and ID of the beneficiary account.  To proceed that way, please complete the Contact form. Any charge for SINPE transactions will be deducted from your deposit.  For off-shore accounts (outside Costa Rica), including electronic systems like PayPal and similars, your must send your bank wire transfer information as well as any other required data (like e-mail if necessary).  Any administrative charge/fee associated to the intermediary banks or systems included in the wire transfer/electronic transaction, will be deducted from your deposit.
In general speaking, a wire transfer from USA to Costa Rica has a $50 (USA) + $20 (CR BNCR) fee.

Terms and Conditions

Sillas decoradas al aire libre

Temas universales en decoraciones para usted.Decoración floral para su evento



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www.EventosCostaRica.tv * www.EventosEnCostaRica.tv * www.ExpoBridal.tv * www.ExpoNoviascr.tv * www.Brides.cr
Questions or comments about this site,
please send them  webmaster + losdecoradores.com.
Copyright © 2012
LosDecoradores.com, phones 2441-2411 & 2441-2408
Last global web site modification
(no specifically this page):
October 19th, 2012

Powered by InterHAND.net
(hosting and web development)

Located in Costa Rica

Alquiler de mantelería, decoraciones florales, decoracion de bodas, fotografia para bodas, arreglos florales, expositores en ExpoNovias, alquiler de columnas griegas, flores, lirios, rosas, orquídeas, tulipanes, decoracion de arco para bodas y fiestas